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How To Solve Puzzles

How to Solve Brain Pleasers

by Alan Stillson

Brain Pleasers has four puzzle types: Hidden Words, Letter Drops, Endings, and Vowels on Vacation.

Here’s an example of each puzzle type to help you see the idea:

Find consecutive letters in two or more consecutive words to spell out an answer that fits the category.

Category: Numbers
Example: We put worms on the hook
Answer: TWO (we put worms on the hook)

Drop five letters so that the remaining letters, in order, will spell out an answer that fits the category. On challenge questions, drop seven letters.

Category: States
Example: Lion sweat
Answer: IOWA (lion sweat)

Find an answer that fits the category and ends with the given letters, in order.

Category: Zoo animals
Example: tamus
Answer: HIPPOPOTAMUS (Hippopotamus)

Find an answer that fits the category by inserting the correct vowels into the consonants and separating into two words.

Category: Foods
Example: nglshmffn
Answer: ENGLISH MUFFIN (English muffin)


If you get stuck, don’t forget you can get hints by tapping on the icon. You have the option to reveal a letter or answer and also to clear out any errors. It’s not cheating to ask for a hint — the goal is to have fun, so if asking for a hint increases your enjoyment, feel free.


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